Upcoming Workshops
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1 Day Workshop
Relationship Essence
Deep down within ourselves at the core of our being is our “essence”. As we journey through life and form various relationships our essence or core does not change only our awareness does. Learning how to grow our relationship to our essence deep down changes the way we relate in the world. Let us experience this…
1 Day Workshop
Organisations and Processwork
Applications of PW concepts in Organisations
1 Day Workshop
Shamanic Warriorship in Organisations
Shamans…? in Organisations???? Absurd you think!!!! Shamans are healers and travel the nether world……what can they do in Organisations???? Let’s look at the Shamans in organizational set ups and explore how they got there
1 Day Workshop
The Great Mother
Archetypes are a part of our collective consciousness that has come down the centuries since the beginning of time says C G Jung. One of the most common and the oldest is the archetype of the “Great Mother “. As human beings we have these archetypes embedded in our unconscious through centuries also. The Great Mother or Maya or Devi is known to all of us in our creation myths in our legends and fairytales. In this space we will sit together and get to know her a little more…
1 Day Workshop
Dream Doors
In search of Alice we enter the dream door to wonderland. But HOW????
We explore the fairytale of Alice and Narnia and such like stories to find out what waits for us beyond the dream door and can he find the courage to enter? A workshop that explores and amplifies the concept of Dreams and dreaming in our day-to-day life.