Process Oriented Psychology
Process oriented psychology or Processwork is a school of psychology established by Dr. Arnold Mindell in the 1970s. Process oriented psychology has its root in Jungian psychology, Taoism, Shamanism, and quantum physics.
Processwork is based on the belief that the solution to a problem lies within the disturbance itself and it looks at the disturbance closely to unravel deeper meanings rather than something that needs to be shunned or simply cured. What sets Processwork apart is that it views challenges faced by individuals and groups through the lens of awareness and insight as opposed to textbook classifications.
Processwork is the first school in psychology that seeks to combine spiritual practices and western psychological methods. It has wide-ranging applications in the areas of psychotherapy, psychosomatic disorders, coma, mental health as well as organisational development, leadership development, conflict resolution, and multi-cultural community building.